Ebuka Song
Ebuka was born in Nigeria’s Imo State’s Obinle region. He was raised in a godly environment, and it has always been evident in his way of living. His companion was aware of his talent for worship songs even though he was still a student.
He began his music career at Imo State University (IMSU), where he studied theater art. The young man is blessed since he has a constant desire to inspire people in the church through his worship skills
“I will pray” is the name of a new song he just released. He claimed in an interview that this song delivers a straightforward lesson of prayer. that prayer is a powerful weapon in the struggle against satanic invasion, and that all Christians should take it seriously.
Ebuka’s music career really started to take off. In 2018, he dropped his debut single, “Midnight Cry,” which instantly went viral on Christian radio stations and social media. The song’s lyrics exhort listeners to keep their lights burning and wait for the second coming of Jesus Christ in a stirring ballad on the necessity for Christians to be cautious and vigilant in their faith.
Other popular songs by Ebuka since then include “The Value of Life,” “Soaked Worship,” “A Cry for Help,” and “Father Me.” His songs stand out for their compellingly spiritual topics, moving lyrics, and soulful voice.
Ebuka’s most recent song, “I Will Pray,” which he described in an interview as a plea for all Christians to take prayer seriously, was published in 2022. The hymn exhorts listeners to rely on God in difficult and tempting circumstances and to seek His face in prayer.
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